David Johnstone

Photo of David
David Johnstone
Professor of Civil Engineering
James Lehr Kennedy 230
525 South Main Street, Ada, OH, 45810
Academic Credentials
Professional Engineer VA #0402047608
Research Interests
Drinking Water Treatment, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology, Professional Development
Employee degree:

BSCE, Youngstown State University

MS, Youngstown State University

PHD, Univ of Akron, Main Campus


Recent Scholarship

  • Consultant, Professional Publications, Inc. 2011 - Present
  • Boulanger, B and Johnstone, David W. Can the use of Guided Notes Lead to more Efficient Instruction?. American Society for Engineering Education Zone 2 Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2017.
  • Skeriotis, A. T., Sanchez, N. P., Kennedy, M., Johnstone, D. W., Miller, C. M. (2016). Long-Term Comparison of Disinfection By-Product Formation Potential in a Full Scale Treatment Plant Utilizing a Multi-Coagulant Drinking Water Treatment Scheme. Water 8 (318): 1-18.

Classes Taught

  • ENGR 2131 Statics
  • ENGR 2231 Strength of Materials
  • CE 2621 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
  • CE 3811 Water Resources
  • CE 4101 CE Design Seminar
  • CE 4621 Ground and Surface Water Hydrology