Robert Hartman

Photo of Robert
Robert Hartman
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Burgett 120
525 South Main Street, Ada, OH, 45810
Research Interests
Ethics (esp. moral luck, moral responsibility, and moral virtue and vice), Metaphysics (esp. free will), Philosophy of Religion (esp. divine providence and the afterlife)
Employee degree:

BA, Univ of Wisconsin Eau Claire

MA, Trinity International Univ

PHD, Saint Louis University


Robert Hartman joined Ohio Northern University in Fall泭2022. He has published two books and more than twenty articles in professional journals and books. He has given more than seventy research presentations in nine countries. He assists the coach泭for 蹤獲扦s Ethics Bowl team and is a member of various committees including the PPE major (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) steering committee, A&S workload committee, and A&S assessment committee.泭

Before coming to 蹤獲扦, he was teaching philosophy at Tulane University泭and St. Louis Univeristy, or he was泭researching in philosophy泭at Tulane Universitys Center for Ethics and Public Affairs, Stockholm University (Sweden), and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden).


Some Recent Scholarship

  • (Routledge, 2017).
  • , co-edited with Ian M. Church (Routledge, 2019).
  • (co-authored with Joshua W. Bronson) in Hundbuch Tugend Und Tugendethik, edited by Christoph Halbig and Felix Timmermann (Springer, 2021): 307-320.
  • , Thought 10 (2021): 58-65.
  • , in A Companion to Free Will, edited by Joseph Campbell, Kristin M. Mickelson, and V. Alan White (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023).
  • , Faith and Philosophy 38 (2021): 45-64.
  • , Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion (forthcoming).

Courses Taught at 蹤獲扦

  • TREX 1001: Character, Aspiration, and Virtue
  • PHIL 1051: Ethics, Justice and Law
  • PHIL 2251: Philosophy of Religion
  • PHIL 2281: Philosophy of Law
  • PHIL 2401: Professional Ethics
  • PHIL 3201: Political Philosophy