A photo of Hill building clock

On April 26, 2022, ÂÜÀòÉç celebrated our employees.Ìý Here is the to download


A photo of Khristo
Khristo Boyadzhiev,
A photo of Chris
Chris Cherry,
Counseling Center
A photo of Mark
Mark Dixon,
A photo of Penny
Penny Fiebiger,
A photo of Robert
Robert Hershberger,
Physical Plant
A photo of Arnold
Arnold Hoersten,
Information Technology
A photo of David
David Kinder,
Pharmaceutical &
Biomedical Sciences
A photo of William
William Mancuso,
A photo of Vicki
Vicki Motz,
Biological Sciences
A photo of Cheryl
Cheryl Simon,
No photo available
Doug Smith,
Physical Plant
A photo of Melissa
Melissa Taylor-Austin,
Public Safety
A photo of Scott
Scott Wills,
University Advancement
A photo of Srinivasa
Srinivasa Vemuru,
Electrical & Computer
Engineering &
Computer Science

Recognition of Employees

  • Julie Hurtig, Academic Affairs
  • Adriane Thompson Bradshaw, Student Affairs
  • Shannon Spencer, University Advancement
  • Bill Eilola, Enrollment Management
  • Jason Broge, Financial Affairs
  • Chris Bowers, Arts & Sciences
  • Christy Beaschler, Business
  • J-D Yoder, Engineering
  • Charlie Rose, Law
  • Kelly Shields, Pharmacy
  • Tom Simmons, Athletics

45 years of service:

  • Sherolyn Evans, Food Service
  • Christine Garver, Physical Plant
  • Gary Long, Pharmacy
  • 40 years of service:
  • Brian Castle, Food Service
  • Barry Musselman, Physical Plant

35 years of service:

  • Karen Kier, Pharmacy Practice
  • William Szippl, Physical Plant

30 years of service:

  • Joanne Brant, Law
  • David Crago, Law
  • Jed Marquart, Mechanical Engineering
  • Harold Roberts Jr., Information Technology
  • Cheryl Simon, Education
  • Melissa Taylor-Austin, Public Safety
  • Michelle Wilson, Exercise Physiology

25 years of service:

  • Susan Bates, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Robin Donnal, Physical Plant
  • Patricia Parteleno, Pharmacy Practice
  • Stacy Smith, Mail Center
  • Scott Swanson, Exercise Physiology

20 years of service:

  • Paul Christman, Food Service
  • Kathleen DeVault, Theatre Arts
  • Michele Durand, Athletics
  • John Estell, Electrical & Computer
  • Engineering & Computer Science
  • Scott Gerber, Law
  • Lori Goldsmith, Engineering
  • Gary Mason, Physical Plant
  • Liam O'Melinn, Law
  • Sharon Rausch, Business
  • Joan Robbins, Theatre Arts
  • Jennifer Roby, Financial Affairs
  • Srinivasa Vemuru, Electrical &
  • Computer Engineering & Computer Science
  • Robert Verb, Environmental & Field Biology
  • Chandalar West, Athletics
  • Scott Wills, University Advancement
  • John-David Yoder, Engineering

15 years of service:

  • Wendy Bechtol, Physical Plant
  • Julia Castle, Food Service
  • Nathaniel Conn, Information Technology
  • Lori Hastings, Food Service
  • David Kosmyna, Music
  • Jennifer Lambdin, Student Affairs
  • Justin Lehman, Athletics
  • Tarek Mahfouz, Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences
  • David Rose II, Physical Plant
  • Hui Shen, Mechanical Engineering
  • Linda Stone, Food Service
  • Gary Tenwalde, Physical Plant
  • Sandra Vaughn, Food Service
  • Jake Zimmerman, Chemistry & Biochemistry

10 years of service:

  • Brittany Bates, Pharmacy Practice
  • Diane Essinger, Heterick Memorial Library
  • Brandon Fauber, International Admissions
  • Michelle Frazier, The Inn
  • Kristin Hatem, Athletics
  • Dong Hyun Kim, Business
  • Matthew Kutch, Business
  • Christina Liebrecht, Nursing
  • Nicolle Merkel, Academic Affairs
  • Brian Phillips, Theatre Arts
  • Edward Potkanowicz, Exercise Physiology
  • Bret Scott, The Inn
  • Jamie Siders, Biological Sciences
  • Christopher Spiese, Chemistry & Biochemistry

5 years of service:

  • Jasmine Agin, Food Service
  • Benjamin Aronson, Pharmacy Practice
  • Samantha Bailey, Physical Plant
  • Ellen Beckwith-McManus, Advancement
  • Michael Bonnell, Athletics
  • Sheila Coressel, Pharmacy
  • Joseph DeLeeuw, Criminal Justice
  • Kaylan Ellis, Law
  • Kevin Ernst, Business
  • Michelle Falke, Arts & Sciences
  • Dallan Flake, Law
  • Timothy Flowers, Physical Plant
  • Dallas Fry, The Inn
  • Gregory Horne, Public Safety
  • Jamie Hunsicker, Nursing
  • Dustin Johnston-Green, Law
  • Jin Ho Jung, Business
  • Timothy Koneval, Biological Sciences
  • Katherine Krynak, Environmental & Field Biology
  • Anup Lamichhane, Mathematics
  • Christopher Larsen, Music
  • Kelly Lawrie, Advancement
  • Rebecca Legge, Communications & Marketing
  • John Navin, Business
  • Kenneth Oswald, Environmental & Field Biology
  • Kyle Parker, Pharmacy Practice
  • Jacqueline Price, Athletics
  • Tricia Profit-Kuhn, Engineering
  • Kalyn Rossiter, Geography
  • Trista Rude, Human Resources
  • Hailey Russell, Law
  • Macie Sanders, Food Service
  • Bethany Spieth, Heterick Memorial Library
  • Richard Tordiff, Information Technology
  • Robert Trusz Jr., Pharmacy
  • Joy Welch, Food Service