蹤獲扦 Geotechnology students presenting their findings as a "museum" exhibit.

Something many of us dont consider: behind the likes of every pristine golf course, towering landfill and sprawling cemetery are engineers who test and assess the state of the soil to ensure it continues to safely conform to our intended uses.

A fall 2023 geotechnical engineering course taught at Ohio Northern University introduced students to soil-based engineering and career options.

Under the creative tutelage of Lauren H. Logan, Ph.D., assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, students learned about factors such as liquefaction, drainage, compaction and geomembranes. Their focus was at ground level and below, where we all count on stable foundations from substance and structural perspectives to survive and thrive. From a career standpoint, the manipulation and monitoring of soil and other substances underfoot may seem far less glamorous than, say, bridge building and industrial automation, but no less essential to functional society.

The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all, noted American author and environmentalist Wendell Berry.

The course culminated in informative museum exhibits that were judged by interdepartmental faculty and staff.

One student groups exhibit examined secrets under the grave, which explored burial factors such as soil compaction, decomposition, necroslurry and contamination. Soil, after all, doesnt have the advantage of forgetting remains once theyre buried, but must do the job of covering and eventually absorbing them. Cemetery management involves keeping tabs on soil density, erosion and contamination, the latter of which can happen when things such as cosmetics, formaldehyde (used for embalming) and metals (from caskets, jewelry and even teeth fillings) are introduced to the ground. No material is invulnerable once buried.

Other groups learned about sports field management, which can require knowledge of lawn chemicals, synthetic turf, horticultural practices and drainage, depending on the sport and facility.

Some students learned about landfill leachate, toxic substances that can come from landfills. Lead, nitrogen and more can escape and contaminate aquifers, if methods such as clay layers, geomembranes, and filtration substances arent used.

Logans deep interest in how humans treat soil is evidenced in part by her travel choices. For instance, a trip to France didnt just involve the requisite Eiffel Tower experience, but a visit to the Catacombs of Paris, the underground ossuaries that hold the remains of more than six million people.

I like things creepy, she admitted.

Her regard for such land uses influences her teaching. The fall geotechnical engineering course was the first Logan had taught, and was a lot of fun, she said, because, aside from the unusual facts about soil and what we put in it, she was able to teach her students about the importance of environmental preservation and management.

I always remind my students to remember the cultural aspects, she said. Im not telling them culturally whats right or wrong, but heres the science. Heres what happens. And, here are options that can better protect nature, she explained. For instance, in Western cultures people typically bury their dead. However, burials, a culturally-influenced practice that incorporates tenets of ritualism and religion, can incorporate clay liners in plots, which serve as an effective barrier to contaminate spread. Tree coffins are a newer, more environmentally friendly, burial option.

With athletic fields, Logan taught about the Goldilocks level of compaction the just-right level that doesnt make the ground too hard, nor too soft, which can all cause more player injuries. Sports is ingrained in our culture. You need engineers to know what to do with those fields and what not to do and how to monitor them, she said.

Building structures, particularly in earthquake-prone regions, requires engineers to assess the type and viability of soil along with the potential for liquefaction that could cause collapse and landslides.

Logan said her students museum exhibits were a hit. I plan to make this a yearly event. This was a pilot year.