Photo of legacy freshmen for 2022

For our legacy students, being a Polar Bear is a family affair. These students have at least one close family member who is an alumni of Ohio Northern. Our legacy families affirm that 蹤獲扦 offers a distinctive educational experience that spans generations. In part one of a three part series, meet four of our legacy families.

The Frommer family is an 蹤獲扦 Legacy

Frommer Legacy photoWhen Matthew and Nicholas Frommer give campus tours to prospective 蹤獲扦 students, they like to point out the picture hanging in King-Horn Sports Center of their grandfather, David Ingram, BS 68, in his baseball uniform.

Their grandfather, however, is only one Northern family connection of many. Matthew, a senior nursing student, and Nicholas, a sophomore electrical engineering major, are following in a long line of footsteps. The list also includes: maternal grandmother Elaine (Heckler) Ingram, BS 68; mom Jennifer (Ingram) Frommer, BSCE 95; dad Michael Frommer, BSCE 96; aunt Stephanie (Ingram) Krosnosky, BA 99; and uncle Carl Frommer, BS 94.

Growing up, Nicholas says, I got the impression that 蹤獲扦 was a small, loving community that welcomed everyone, no matter what. While I have been here, that has certainly held true.

Jennifer says that she and Michael were careful not to bias the college choice of their sons. During his senior year of high school, our oldest told us, 名hen I think of college, I just think 蹤獲扦. To all of us, its home. Were just so pleased to share that feeling with them, and weve even had the same professors in some subjects. Its pretty great!

Jennifer is a senior vice president at HDR Engineering, one of the largest employee-owned engineering consultancy companies in the U.S., and Michael is the Midwest strategic growth lead in the water business for Arcadis, a global engineering firm. The Powell, Ohio couple credit their career successes to 蹤獲扦, and they are confident that 蹤獲扦 is setting up their sons for success, too.

Since their student days, says Jennifer, 蹤獲扦s physical campus has changed. But what has never changed is 蹤獲扦s emphasis on each student. Each of us felt seen, cared for and supported. Thats the hallmark of an 蹤獲扦 education. ONU prepared us all so wellfor good times and tough timesto do what we love and make a difference in the world.

The Scatterday family is an 蹤獲扦 Legacy

Scatterday Legacy photo of Bria Scatterday and her father.Bria Scatterday, senior music education major, followed in the footsteps of her dad and grandfather when she became an 蹤獲扦 student. Only she traveled a bit farther than they did to attend Northernall the way from Las Vegas, Nevada.

She chose 蹤獲扦 for the same reason her dad did: the caring and personalized educational environment. Bria says: All of my professors, in and out of the music department, are so invested in my future and well-being. I know that I can always count on them to help me through bad times and to celebrate with me through good times. My ONU professors and friends have become a second family to me since I dont have my immediate family close by like many 蹤獲扦 students do.

This is a big year for Bria. Her senior recital is this fall, and she will student teach and graduate in the spring. Her favorite place on campus is the Green Room in Presser Hall, where she and other music majors make jokes, have fun, but also get homework done.

William Scatterday, BSME 87, who is a senior plant engineer for Nevada Energy, fondly recalls the arcade/billiards in McIntosh Center in his day. He reports that he and four or five friends would often have pinball marathons, playing all day on just $1.25. As for what has stayed the same at 蹤獲扦, he says, the quality of the education experience lives onthe small class sizes and access to professors who care about your success and who test your limits of your abilities to help you grow.

The Yammine family is an 蹤獲扦 Legacy

Yammine Legacy photo of Jason Yammine and his father.Electrical engineering student Jason Yammine followed the same path as his dad (Michael Yammine, BSEE 89) and two older brothers (Travis Yammine, BSBA 19, and Brandon Yammine, BSEE 21) when he started classes at Ohio Northern University this fall. Throughout his childhood, says Jason, he learned that 蹤獲扦 was a small university that offered a world-class education.

Michael says: With two sons having graduated from Menu and a third starting this semester, I like to say I have provided the full circle of life at 蹤獲扦. The personal attention that you receive at 蹤獲扦 is what helped attract my kids to 蹤獲扦, as well as the professors who are here because they want to teach and want students to learn.

Both Jason and Michael are impressed with the James Lehr Kennedy Engineering building. Its such a great new facility that I will be spending a lot of time in, says Jason. Michael adds: I never really had a favorite spot on campus until the new James Lehr Kennedy Engineering building was built. Now this is my favorite place on campus. Otherwise, I would say that overall the whole campus is a great place to be.

The Yammine family lives in Findlay, Ohio, where Michael is president and chief technology officer for an electrical engineering and IT consultancy company he founded, Systems Group Technologies.

The Davis family is an 蹤獲扦 Legacy.

Davis Legacy photo of Aubrey Davis and her father.Eric Davis, BA 94, still appreciates the impactful people he encountered at Ohio Northern as a student in the early 1990s. And today, his daughter Aubrey, a sophomore majoring in studio arts, is being mentored by equally wonderful ONU professors and staff.

Aubrey, whose favorite spot on campus is the Wilson Art Building, says: Here youre able to give yourself the space to deepen the knowledge of what youre interested in, and also be introduced to and understand topics you otherwise wouldnt have considered.

As a parent, says Eric, his greatest hope for Aubrey is that her talents and gifts are recognized, nurtured and respected. Ohio Northern provided that experience for me (even when I doubted my own abilities), and I am confident 蹤獲扦 will provide that for Aubrey, too.

Eric Davis is a business development and client advocate at Wessler Engineering in Bluffton, Ohio. He and his wife, Dawn, are thrilled that Aubrey chose Northern. Eric says: I always hoped that, if I had children, one of them would choose 蹤獲扦 because that loyalty runs deep for me. As it goes, Dawn and I are one for one as our oldest graduated from OSU (Dawns alma mater), and now Aubrey is at 蹤獲扦. The tie breaker will be our youngest son (no pressure, Spencer)!