Some participants having some fun after 蹤獲扦's first Glow Run/Walk 5K.

Ohio Northern University's Mental Health Prevention and Awareness Committee is hosting its second annual泭GLOW泭5K Run/Walk on campus during National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week.

The event will be Sept 14 at 8:30 p.m.泭near King-Horn Sports Center, 609 W. Lincoln Ave. The first 35 participants who register will receive an 蹤獲扦 Mental Health Prevention and Awareness water bottle and towel.

For those who pre-register by Aug. 25, the cost to participate is $22.泭To register, . They will receive a T-shirt and glow accessories. Organizers prefer that attendees pre-register for planning purposes.

After Aug. 25, registration can occur online and at the event for $25.; T-shirts and glow accessories will be available while supplies last.

The course will take participants along the Green Monster, a paved trail on the west side of campus.

For additional GLOW泭5K information, contact Thomas Frost, student affairs coordinator, at泭t-frost.1@onu.edu泭or Marcey Bell, mental health case manager and outreach coordinator, at泭